Research Community

Welcome to our vibrant online community, where we extend a warm welcome to the brilliant minds of postgraduate research students from ethnically minoritised backgrounds.

As the Community Practice Coordinator, we are thrilled to invite you to connect, collaborate, and share your invaluable experiences with like-minded researchers who understand the unique challenges that come with pursuing a doctoral journey. Our platform is a hub for fostering meaningful connections and creating a supportive environment for knowledge exchange. Whether you are navigating the intricacies of research methodologies or seeking insights into the varied academic landscapes, our community is designed to be a space where you can find solidarity, inspiration, and collaborative opportunities. Join us in forging a network that transcends disciplines, embracing the richness of diversity and fostering a community that propels academic excellence.

Together, let's embark on a journey of shared learning and collective growth.

This work is supported by Office for Students and Research England under the improving access to and participation in postgraduate research study (PGR) for Black, Asian and minority ethnic students funding stream